welcome to my blog!

all photographs are copyright of jenny springer photography and cannot be used without my permission.

for more information or to schedule an appointment please e-mail me at jenspringer@comcast.net

i look forward to meeting you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

the splonski family

i am so excited about these photos and this cute young family. darling children and a mom that is a natural model! bonus: they are also super sweet & easy going - a great combo! i forgot how active two little ones can be but we managed to get a few good ones! here are a couple of my faves from the day...

Friday, August 7, 2009

miss O

i love this little hip chick....she has the SWEETEST personality and and even sweeter little voice. i could just eat her up...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

first baby on the way

jeni asked me to take a few maternity photos for her before their little muffin arrives (any day now!)...this is their first baby. chris and jeni have been married for over 10 years so a little anxious to see how this little girl their cookin up will change their lifestyle. what? children change your lifestyle?!? oh...i don't even remember what i did with all my time before kids!! we talked about enjoying every minute of each other right now because those first few months you tend to forget about each other as the babies needs take over for awhile. i can't wait to do their newborn photos soon and meet baby cece....