welcome to my blog!

all photographs are copyright of jenny springer photography and cannot be used without my permission.

for more information or to schedule an appointment please e-mail me at jenspringer@comcast.net

i look forward to meeting you!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

the best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other

we got lucky in december! it was freezing but we had sun, and no rain! i had so much fun with the this cute family. amazingly polite, sweet children. i could feel the special love and bond they have with their mom, and how much she adores them. here are just a few faves of mr. blue eyes and miss lucy!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't find your email.

    I VOTED FOR YOU ON Mike Colon's blog contest...

    I am a college student saving for a study abroad in Peru May 2010.

    I make and sell headbands.



    My group on facebook:


    I'm working on a project where I mail photographers a headband and they take pictures of it, whether it be in an engagement shoot or self portrait or whatever.

    Then the photographer emails me a couple shots.

    If the images with headbands are displayed or published or used online, you will receive photo credit, either way, you get to have a great handmade Whimsical headband.

    Please let me know if you want to join in the project.

    Jenny Hansen
